Ey! What's up? Long time no blog. I figured I would do something about that. Hopefully I can be consistent with this. Kinda missed it. And since its the start of the week, why not kick it off with a little blog post. Hah.

First of all, s/o to the weekend. A lot of galavanting, but ended it very productive.

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Started with a little shoot at this rather photo friendly spot. Can't wait to show you guys what we ended up with. Hah.

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Ended the weekend with Mr. Snaasa. He drew some illustrations for a little project we're doing, and I edited some pictures that I've been laging on. Very good. Thanks good sir for the cheese and crackers.

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Now back to this week. Monday.

Started off with another edit session early in the AM. Then I met up with Raggen, Magdi, and Thea. Good job guys! Its crunch time now, we got this. It's going to be awesome.
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Master minds.

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"Apen og Kjeften"

After that I headed over to YME to link up with my brother Jas. Had to help him take some pics of the new shoes at the store. Always nice to work over there, aka catch up with ze good people as well.

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The legend. Catch him play at Angst on the 9th this week. Øyanatt what's good?

You already know after work we had to catch something to eat.

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Carmel!!! Mix kebab with pasta and fries.. hahahah.

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Two pics of Jas not believing that I'm gonna start blogging again.

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So sick. Clot x Nike Vapor Max.

Niceeee... first post down. Let's hope this becomes a regular again. Now I'm off to pack for my next trip and eat some more. Follow me on the gram for even more updates. ----> @AKAM1K3